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Patrol Aluminum RIB Boat Seat Models

Patrol Aluminum RIB Boat used by military, coast guard, 

and law enforcement agencies for various operations, 

including search and rescue, surveillance, and interdiction. 

The seating in these boats is designed for durability, comfort, and safety, often featuring high-back seats 

with harnesses or shock-absorbing systems to handle rough sea conditions.

Yoolwin boat all aluminum rib boat accept customized structure and design. 

Seats model can change as demand. 

1. Suspension jockey seats 

Suspension jockey seats can much reduce the rough water impact in the deep ocean sea. 

Popular brand for Ullman Dynamics with their advanced suspension system. 

ullman syspension seats

Yoolwin 860 patrol aluminum rib boat, deck space is large enough. 

Can install total 8 units suspension driver seats. 

Equip together with cabin console and hard T-top. 

Can much protect the driver and passengers when face hard weather in deep ocean. 

860 patrol rhib boat

2. Bench passenger seats: 

760 Patrol aluminum rib boat equip with 3 lines bench passenger seats. 

Can be used for government patrol rhib boat or urgent flood rescue rhib boat. 

Also can be used for tourism rhib boat or sightseeing aluminum rib boat

Under bench seats, can also equip with storage room for some rescue equipment. Like life vest etc. 

rescue rib boat bench seat

3. Normal jockey seats:

Some models offer modular seating that can be reconfigured based on mission requirements. 

This allows for flexibility in carrying personnel or equipment. Quantities also as customer demand. 

Can designed before the console or back of console. 

760 navy aluminum rib boat designed with 4 units jockey seats. Popular in rescue and research market. 

rescue rib boat jockey seats

If demand more boat customized structure or design, contact us by Email or Whatsapp. 



Contact: Grace

Phone: +86-15966910461



Add: Chengyang district, Qingdao city, Shandong Province, China